Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Antarctica is like a machine with no lubication

Some areas in Antarctica haven't seen rain or snow in millions of years.
Antarctica, know as the coldest place on earth, is also the driest.
Although the average precipitation for the whole of the continent varies between 1.9 inches to over 7.8 inches (50-200mm) per year, there are dry valleys which receive less than 0.4 inches per year.  The temperatures are also extremely cold in these areas. 13 Degrees Fahrenheit (-25 degrees Celsius) is the norm in December and January which feels even colder due to strong winds. This means that although precipitation is low, snow never really melts and these areas may look the same for millions or years.
Survival in the dry valleys of Antarctica is nearly impossible, but it proved to be of use to scientists in 2009, who visited these parts to test scientific equipment to be used on the surface of Mars. In dryness and coldness Antarctica is the most similar place to Mars on earth. The average temperature on Mars is about -8 degrees Fahrenheit (-60 degrees Celsius).

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