Monday, April 11, 2016


The NSA banned Furby toys from its headquarters in 1999 to prevent them from repeating classified information

If you went holiday shopping for your young relatives in 1998, then you'd probably be familiar with the electronic toy called a "Furby." That year the toy was first released in the United States by Tiger electronics. it caused such a craze that 1.8 million Furbies were sold in 1998 and 14 million were sold in 1999. Howver, the pet toy, which has been likened to an owl, a rabiit, a hamster, and even a gremilin wasn't popular tieh everyone. In fact, Furbies were once considered a threat to national security. The U.S. national Security Agency (NSA) banned the toy from its headquarters in 1999. Photograph and audiovisual recoring equipment are prohibited in NSA headquarters, and the agency was worried that the toy might unintentionally record and repeat classified information.

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