Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Human Body is Like a Machine stretching to Pluto and Back!

Uncoiled, the DNA strands contained in one human would stretch from the Earth to Pluto and back.
The average human body is made up of around 37.2 trillion cells and most human cells contain tightly coiled DNA stands.
DNA is used as a blueprint in the replication and functioning of cells. It has been estimated that if every single strand of DNA in an average human body was unwound and laid end to end they would stretch over 10 Billion miles, or more than double the distance between Earth and Pluto

The majority of this DNA would come from mitochondria, which are organelles within cells that can reproduce themselves and carry a unique genome. While single mitochondria have much smaller amounts of DNA than a cell nucleus, there can be up to 2000 mitochondria in a single human cell.

Not all human cells conain DNA. REd blood cells, for example, lack a cell nucleus altogether and are produced in the bone marrow.

Almost 5000 strands of DNA would have to be laid side by side to compare with the width of a single Human Hair.
I hope scientists don't try to lay anybody's DNA Down to prove this. That would be a lifelong job.
Well, another Human Body fact the proves that we are like intricate machines.

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