Saturday, April 2, 2016

Hot Air Balloon Machine

The first hot air balloon passengers were a Duck, a Rooster and a Sheep; the brave animals all survivied the trip.

These days, hot air balloons can be a common sight on sunny mornings, but before the late 8th century, the idea of humans actually flying was the stuff of fantasy. However, on 19 September 1783, brothers Joseph-Michel and jacques-Etienne montgolfier, with the help of Jean-Baptiste Reveillon, launched a hot air balloon in Paris, France. The Balloon carried a sheep, a duck and a rooster as its first passengers.
It must have been pretty tranquil for the 3 animals. I've hang-glided at Blacks Beach in San Diego California and brought a dog with me for the trip. Yes, it was incredibly tranquil as we soared back and forth up and down the mile long bathing suit optional beach. When I finally landed on the beach it took 45 minutes to climb back up the 250 foot cliff to start all over again. The dog beat me up the cliff and was waiting for me to go again.

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