Thursday, May 26, 2016

Dish Washing Save Water Machine

Modern dishwashers use about 6 times less water than it would take to wash the same amount of dishes by hand.

Old Habits die hard, and Many People just can't stop giving dishes a quick wash before putting them into the dishwasher. But the fact is that the newer machines are so energy and water efficient that there's really no need And you're wasteful 0 running a load of idrty dishes uses six times less water than if you were to wash them yourself using sink full of hot soapy water and elbow grease.

My mother washed dishes every night.
Many people don't use dish washers because their apartments or houses they rent haven't been upgraded in many years. They don't have them. I don't know if I didn't have a washer if I would take the time to do them every night. But if you don't they get pretty dang crusty and it takes longer to wash.
Every day stuff Ahe?

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