Saturday, July 23, 2016

Saving Water?

Wow! Roughly 52 gallons (236 liters) of water are needed to produce just one glass of pasteurized Milk.

Water conservation is rarely discussed unless a debilitating drought strikes a place such as California, affecting farming, food supplies and disappearing aquifers. Even then, folks talk more about how much water is used to irrigate lawns, or how long a shower should take.

The Truth is,
nearly 60 percent of the world's fresh water is used for agriculture, and nearly every manufacturing process depends on water. So to put water use in perspective:
It takes 52 gallons of water to produce one glass of pasteurized milk, 37 gallons to make one cup of coffee, and 1,300 gallon to produce a 12-once steak.

Should I save the plants in my front yard and forget having a steak?
A cup of coffee or a glass of milk?

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